Competencies and the models – listening Exercise 1 Listen to the HR Director’s speech and decide if the following statements are true or false: The outline of the workshop is to be agreed on later in the meeting. False True None The key competencies are divided into 4 groups. True False None The participants are welcome to comment on and make their remarks about the project. False True None During the meeting the participants are to write a competency matrix True False None The aim of the meeting is to announce successful implementation of the new competency level in the organisation. True False None The representatives of all departments are present. False True None Time's up Exercise 2 Listen to the HR Director’s speech and choose the correct answer: The HR Department does not expect from all representatives: availability involvement comments None The agenda does not include: creating a competency matrix writing competency cards - definitions and levels building competency paths None The competency model will not: be based on the organisational values help realize company’s strategy meet organisational needs. None In the company there is no ………. department: operations production procurement None Time's up Download audio transcription! admin2017-12-20T12:45:52+02:00 Podziel się ze znajomymi, udostępnij! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail Podobne wpisy VUCA 12 kwietnia, 2019 NVC in the workplace 25 marca, 2019 Language learning as a SMART benefit 20 lutego, 2019 5 coaching myths 23 stycznia, 2019 No fluff needed 17 grudnia, 2018 At your service 22 listopada, 2018 How much would you like to make? 25 października, 2018 Failed recruitment – what then? 25 września, 2018 New generations – a challenge for HR 22 sierpnia, 2018 Millennials vs. 50+ 24 lipca, 2018