Did you know – qualitative methodology

360-degree feedback can be done by qualitative methodology, also called descriptive, which is based on behavioural interviews conducted by a qualified person. One interview lasts about 45-90 minutes. Interviews are structured and all respondents answer the same questions (including the appraiser). It is built on the basis of key competences which were chosen for assessment and [...]


Introduction to Development Centre

 Development Centre as a tool for development The aim of Development Centre (DC) is to find out both the strengths of employees and their other areas for development. Thanks to that their organization will be able to better match development activities to their needs, such as trainings or coaching. They will also receive clear [...]


Did you know? – difficult questions about Development Centre

Participants of  Development Centre (DC) most certainly try to control what they say. Doesn’t it alter assessors’ opinion? We always or almost always control what we say. DC is not an exception here, either. During every conversation with our boss as well as during meetings with clients we pay attention to what we can [...]


A few questions about periodic appraisals

Are periodic appraisals supposed to be the employer’s obligation? They are not; however, conducting them should be a standard in organizations which are willing to develop effectively. Why? Because it is hard to imagine effective ways of managing human recourses in a company or an institution without a periodic appraisal system. Periodic appraisals provide [...]


Did you know? – periodic appraisals

Below is a short history of periodic performance appraisals: Early XX During WWI W D Scott created a scale-based system of appraisal of employees employed in industry, which was later used for assessment of officers’ effectiveness. The 20s and 30s W D Scott’s concept was developed. A Graphic Rating Scale was created to be used [...]


Elements of Management by Objectives

Management by objectives (MBO) as a management concept was first described by Peter F. Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management. In it, he wrote: „effective management must direct the vision and effort of managing personnel to a common goal.” MBO has been practised in the public, private and non-government sectors in the [...]


Did you know? – Management By Objectives

Over the years the idea of MBO has evolved while similar management systems or the ones which partly use its assumptions have appeared on the market. It causes conceptual chaos and misunderstanding in this area. Below we will try to introduce and explain three most common definitions connected with MBO: Key Performance Indicator (KPI) [...]


HR Language Test

Test został stworzony z myślą o osobach uczących się języka, dlatego weryfikuje umiejętności do poziomu B2. Poniżej prosimy o wskazanie wyrazów, które powinny znaleźć się w pustym miejscu. W każdym zdaniu jest tylko jedna prawidłowa odpowiedź. Aby poznać swój wynik, nawet jeśli test nie został rozwiązany do końca, należy podać swój adres e-mail, na który po [...]


Briefly on Organisation Values

Values in an organisation Values can be defined as what bonds all the areas of an organisation’s functions, working as criteria in defining its aspirations or making decisions. They are like a guide-post, defining directions and the modus operandi for both employees of the company as well as the company in the market. Unique values [...]


Did you know? – Core Values

Fortune magazine in its 2015 list of ”100 Best Companies to Work For” included 7 companies, in which core values play a key role in daily business practice and increase the level of happiness and confidence of their employees. Below we present these 7 organisations chosen by Fortune magazine and their core values. It is [...]
