360-degree feedback can be done by qualitative methodology, also called descriptive, which is based on behavioural interviews conducted by a qualified person. One interview lasts about 45-90 minutes. Interviews are structured and all respondents answer the same questions (including the appraiser). It is built on the basis of key competences which were chosen for assessment and precisely defined by an organization.

Notes (and possible recordings) of the interviews are confidential and only the person who carries out assessment has access to them. On the basis of the collected information this person writes a report and gives feedback (alongside with tips for development) to the appraised person and their superior. This way of assessment helps collect more information than form-based assessment (so-called quantitative assessment). It also allows to clarify and specify collected opinions. It is also more time-consuming and requires more work. That is why it is most often used for developing top management.


  • descriptive – opisowy
  • to conduct – przeprowadzać
  • to last – trwać
  • recording – nagranie
  • confidential – poufny
  • to carry out – przeprowadzać
  • superior – przełożony
  • quantitative – ilościowy
  • time-consuming – czasochłonny


After reading the text above which of the statements are true or false:

Person carrying out 360-degree feedback by descriptive methodology should be specially prepared in order to realize this process.

A person who carries out 360-degree feedback by qualitative methodology focuses on the preparation of the weak and strong points of an appraised person leaving out development issues.

We can single out 2 kinds of 360-degree feedback: qualitative and descriptive.

Qualitative 360-degree feedback is usually based on a competency model.

360-degree feedback done by means of qualitative methodology cannot be recorded.

Descriptive methodology is usually for top managers.

360-degree feedback done according to qualitative methodology is more time-consuming than quantitative assessment.