A competency model should consist of two basic parts – a competency dictionary (competency charts) and a competency matrix.

Competency Dictionary

We usually say that someone is more or less competent. It means that we assume the existence of various competency intensity levels. A competency chart is none other than a practical attempt to describe this intensity. We describe types of behaviour which we expect from employees at every level of competency intensity. We assume that there are usually between 3 and 7 levels of intensity. We also often single out types of undesirable behaviour within a given competency (so-called “red cards”) or describe behaviour which indicates lack of competency.
The choice of the number of intensity levels of a given competency depends on the specifics of an organization’s functioning, but first of all, – its organizational structure and job diversity.
Moreover, in the dictionary competencies are usually divided into several types, e.g.:

Common (in other words corporate or key competencies) – understood as competencies without which effective performance in a given organization is impossible.

Managerial competencies are understood to be connected with the effective performance of a managerial function or as such which coordinate work of other employees.

Specialist competencies are competencies which are characteristic of separate jobs or groups of jobs in which employees perform specialist/non-managerial work.


In order to create a competency matrix we need ready competency dictionary as well as well-thought rules how to create competency profiles. A competency profile consists of expected levels of different competency types attributed to a given job position.
We should determine which competencies and at which level (in what degree) are necessary to perform work in a given position. From the point of view of profile usage effectiveness the number of competencies in a profile should not be more than 8-9.
A collection of all competency profiles for the whole organization makes a competency matrix.


After reading the text above which of the statements are true or false:

Each competency can have 4 or even 5 levels of intensity

Number of intensity levels in competency charts depends on quantity of managerial positions in the whole organization

We can usually distinguish 3 types of competencies: corporate, managerial and technical

Competency dictionary includes competency matrix and some additional profiles

Competency matrix consist of competency profiles which are assigned to all positions in organization

Competency dictionary includes competency charts

Effective competency profile can be built of 7 competency