VUCA is an acronym which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. So, VUCA world is the one in which everything changes, everything flows, panta rhei; not a really new concept, is it? The acronym was first used by U.S. Army in 1987 as a term describing the new order that emerged after the [...]


NVC in the workplace

NVC (Nonviolent Communication), also referred to as Compassionate Communication or Collaborative Communication, is a method in which all parties interact in the spirit of mutual respect and compassion, attributing equal value to the needs of each person involved. NVC main components are: observation of facts, feelings, needs, request. All human activity is driven [...]


Language learning as a SMART benefit

Global village, especially its younger and well-educated population, speaks a global language. This is a fact that cannot be ignored. English is not enough The communicative knowledge of English, still global language number 1, is more and more frequently considered insufficient. Recruitment sites show many job advertisements where good command of minimum [...]


5 coaching myths

In our collective subconscious coaching evokes associations with charlatans, self-proclaimed life experts or extremely charismatic motivational speakers who give us the gut feeling that not everything is right with them, and it just might have something to do with borderline personality disorder. Hence the question: what is coaching really about? Coaching is a forward-looking [...]


No fluff needed

Interview by Beata Socha Source: Warsaw Business Journal, Number 02/03 (43), February/March 2018 The IT market has never been as competitive when it comes to talent hunting. How is recruitment different in this highly technical industry, where job offers rain down on candidates every day? WBJ asked Tomasz Bujok, co-founder and CEO of [...]


At your service

By Beata Socha Source: Warsaw Business Journal, Number 11/12 (49), November/December 2018 They are programmed to perform multiple tasks and at far greater speed than a human. They do repetitive tasks and never complain. Soon we will all have robots working side-by-side with us, many of them as our personal assistants. Business [...]


How much would you like to make?

By Katarzyna Jesionkiewicz, Recruitment Consultant, People Source: Warsaw Business Journal, Number 10 (48), October 2018 Being asked about salary expectations is almost always the most awkward part of a job interview. But it is equally or even more uncomfortable when a candidate is asked how much they earn in their current job. Should information [...]


Failed recruitment – what then?

By Karolina Korzeniewska, Account Execu­tive Europe, Antal SSC/BPO Source: Warsaw Business Journal, Number 08/09 (47), August/September 2018 Real financial losses, project delays, a drop in efficiency and low morale – these are only some of the consequences companies have to face after a failed recruitment. What support can employers count on from a recruitment [...]


New generations – a challenge for HR

In the HR environment, discussions about intergenerational differences persist. Older generations (Baby boomers and X) have somehow "got along". Then why are those who are more and more visible on the labour market, the young (Millennials, otherwise Y and Z, or R), so difficult. Spoiled, demanding, they want everything "immediately, here and now", they [...]


Millennials vs. 50+

Source: Warsaw Business Journal, Number 06/07 (46), June/July 2018 Employee shortage is making companies re-evaluate their HR policies. On the one hand, the Millennial generation is already the most numerous group in the workforce and companies have no choice than to cater to their needs. On the other hand, few firms take advantage of [...]
