- The terms of use of the Trainings Management System (hereinafter referred to as „Regulations”) stipulates the rules and conditions of use of the Internet Trainings Management System (hereinafter referred to as „Platform”) made available by Future Centre Training Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Service Provider”), in particular – the rules of obeying the terms of safety and use of the Platform.
- The Internet Platform is aimed at providing direct access to information connected with realized language courses. The Internet Platform makes the information and materials available on the terms specified in these Regulations.
- The Internet Platform allows Users to browse the resources of the website. Use of the aforementioned functions shall not mean that the User can claim the right whatsoever to the contents of the Internet Platform unless otherwise specified in another agreement or policy.
- These regulations concern use of the Platform and the expressions used in them shall mean as follows:
- Service Provider – Future Centre Training Corporation Kiciński and Partners General Partnership with its registered office in Warsaw at Solec 38, 00-394, Warsaw, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000302584, REGON: 017166285, VAT_ID: PL5213124728. i.e. entity which makes the Trainings Management System Platform available.
- Platform – Trainings Management System – an internet platform for companies and their employees cooperating with the Service Provider, individual persons who participate in courses organized by the Service Provider as well as the Service Provider’s employees, with its website at szs.futurecentre.eu which enables monitoring and communication during realized language courses.
- User – each person who uses the Platform. Users are course participants, clients’ course coordinators, the Service Provider’s course coordinators, teachers and the Service Provider’s representatives.
- User Account – collection of data connected with the User such as personal data and email address. This data is stored on the Platform only for the purpose of communication during a training or for notification.
- Powers – range of activities which the User can do on the Platform.
- Access Parameters – name and password of a User entitled to use the Platform.
- The Platform works solely by means of the Internet and is accessible for the User with no limitations 24 hours 7 days of the week.
- To use the Platform the User is required to have a valid email address.
- While using the Platform the User shall follow all the provisions of these Regulations, applicable Polish law as well as customs applied as far as use of the Internet is concerned. The Company reserves the right to introduce changes in this document by notifying Users by means of the Platform. Each time users shall familiarize themselves with the updated version of the Regulations.
- The Platform shall be in use by means of tele-information system which ensures processing and storing of data as well as sending and receiving it via tele-communication networks in accordance with the act about electronically supplied services.
- To use the Platform it is required to have a device (a computer or a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone) with Internet access and an Internet browser.
- Each User has their own User Account on the Platform.
- The access parameters which make use of the Platform possible shall be submitted to the User prior to the first login.
- The User password is kept in such a way so that it would be possible to look it up. In case the password is forgotten, a new password shall be generated upon the User’s request.
- The User shall not make the access parameters available to third parties as well as keep them in full confidentiality. All activities concerning use of the changed login and password are considered as done by the User who received the login and password.
- In case of loss of the password or if it is suspected to have been read/stolen by an unauthorized person the User shall notify the Service Provider of the fact.
- Only Users may use the Platform.
- One can become a User solely by having a User Account created by the Service Provider.
- The User shall use the Platform solely in line with its purpose.
- The User shall use the Platform solely in line with the Powers provided for him or her.
- The User shall not copy the Platform’s structures, decompile the code of the Platform software or disclose the contents of the Platform.
- The User shall not provide third parties with access parameters.
- If the User fails to obey the Platform regulations, the Service Provider has the right to exclude them from the group of Platform Users.
- The Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily block the User’s access to the Platform so long as:
- The User fails to obey the terms of the Regulations.
- There is suspicion that the Platform is used by other persons who apply the parameters given to the User.
- There is suspicion that the contents of the Platform are used for the purpose of unfair competition, especially to copy or recompile the structure of the Platform software.
- Unblocking access happens after the reasons for block have been clarified.
- Unblocking access may require giving the User new access parameters.
- The User may become excluded from the Platform unless the reason for block is clarified and resolved by agreement between the Service Provider and the Client within 7 days from the start of access block.
- The Service Provider shall do everything in their power to provide constant, continuous and failure-free access to the Platform, yet reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Platform caused by the necessity to repair technical faults while making such a break as short as possible.
- The User shall not have the right to claim damages or any other form of recompense from the Service Provider for any possible suspension of the Platform.
- The Service Provider shall make 24-hour safety copies and, in case of the loss of data, retrieve it from the last copy.
- In case of faulty functioning of the Platform the User shall notify the Service Provider of the fact.
- The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any suspension of the Platform not caused by their fault, especially for external problems such as breaks in the functioning of the backbone network or access hubs.
- The Service provider collects records connected with access to the Platform such as connection dates and hours and IP numbers from which connections were established.
- The Platform is the only support provided for training services for the client.
- The Service Provider makes it explicit that the person who visits the Platform makes use of it solely at their expense and risk.
- The Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily cease to provide services in case of a failure or technical upgrade of the Platform. The Service Provider shall not be held responsible for ceasing to provide the IT service even if such a pause lasts longer than 24 hours a month.
- The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any possible damage ensuing from improper functioning of the User’s equipment or software.
- The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any possible damage resulting from the User’s disclosure of data to third parties which makes access to the Platform possible.
- The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the User or visitor who makes illegitimate use of the Platform which is also against the provisions of these Regulations.
- The Internet Platform is subject to copyright law.
- The User, by entering any contents into the Platform, shall declare that he or she is the author and not infringe upon other persons’ copyright.
- The User shall grant the Service Provider non-exclusive, irreversible and perpetual license to publish any contents entered by them into the Platform and other portals owned by the Service Provider.
- The Regulations may be subject to change, of which Users will be notified.
- The Service Provider shall notify the User of each change forthwith by means of email sent to the address indicated on the User’s account. The change of the Regulations shall not require any change in the agreement concluded between the Client and the Service Provider.
- The up-to-date contents of the Regulations can be seen in the Platform files.
- The new contents of the Regulations shall be deemed approved of by the User unless the User, within 14 days from notification about changes in the Regulations, submits, by means of email sent to the email address seen on the User’s account, a statement about their refusal to accept the changes in the Regulations. Refusal to accept the changes in the Regulations shall mean the User’s resignation from use of the Platform.
- The User may receive additional assistance and information about the Platform by phone or email from the Service Provider.
- The Service Provider shall keep Users’ personal data in strict confidentiality.
- The provisions of the Regulations do not exclude the User’s possibility to refer to the applicable law.
- These Regulations are subject to Polish law and all litigations connected with ensuing liabilities shall be resolved by proper courts in Poland.
- The Service Provider reserves the right to make any change on the Platform without having to notify Users of this fact.
- These Regulations come into effect on 31 August, 2015.
1. Personal data
The Service Provider may ask the User to submit personal data in case of registration of the User. This personal data may include surname, email address, User ID, domain name, URL address, correspondence address and telephone number. The Service Provider may also be interested in demographic data such as User’s age, sex, postal code, education, operational system, preferences and hobbies as well as whether it is a private party or the Service Provider’s representative. Resignation from registration and submittal of this information will make it impossible to use most areas of the Service provider’s website.
2. Information about configuration of the system
Whenever the User visits the Service Provider’s website or uses the Service Provider’s online services, information about the User’s computer equipment and software is automatically collected in the server registers. This information may include IP address, cookies, GUID identifier, information about computer and operational system, description and way of use of the Service Provider’s products, type of browser, domain name, access times, information about service providers and website addresses from which redirection took place.
3. Information about use of the Internet site
The Service Provider and his/her external service suppliers keep track of information which makes it impossible to identify users, about the way of using the Service provider’s website using cookies, GUID identifier, Internet tags and collective Internet signals. They also keep track of data concerning navigation (register files, server registers and so-called clickstreams). Thanks to that the Service Provider knows how the user uses their website in the online mode, and on their approval, he/she can link this knowledge with personal data in order to properly adjust shared contents. Also, they collect information about URL address of the previously visited website and hours when the Service Provider’s website was used. Moreover, websites visited within this website and details about all transactions (downloaded files, orders, requests and recommendations) are kept track of. The web browser can be configured to notify the User of cookies or refusal to service cookies or their removal, but in such a case certain functions of the Service Provider’s website may fail to work.
4. Policy of cookies and other similar technologies
- In connection with sharing the Service Provider’s offer the so-called cookies are used, i.e. information recorded by servers on the User’s end device which servers can read during each connection from that end device. Other technologies with functions similar or identical to those of cookies can also be used. In this document, information about cookies can also be used in other similar technologies applied in our internet servers. Cookies include information such as text files which are stored in an Internet site user’s end device. Cookies usually include the domain name from which they come, storage duration as well as unique number.
- Cookies are used to:
- Adjust Internet site contents to users’ preferences and optimal use of websites; these files are especially useful as they help identify a user’s device and properly display a website adjusted to their individual needs,
- Create statistics which help understand in which way server’s users use websites, which helps improve their structure and contents.
- Maintain Internet site user’s session (after login) thanks to which the user does not have to enter their login or password again on each sub-website of the server.
- We can use the following types of cookies on our Internet sites:
- „necessary” cookies which make use of services available on our website possible, e.g. authorizing cookies used for services requiring authentication in the service,
- cookies which provide security, e.g. used to disclose abuse of authentication in the service,
- cookies which help collect information about the way of using the Internet sites of the server
- “functional” cookies which make “memorizing” of settings chosen by the User and interface personalization possible, e.g. within the chosen language or region from which the User comes, font size, website display, etc.
- In many cases Internet site browsing software (Internet Browser) stores cookies on an end device by default. Users can change the cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed in a way to block automatic service of cookies in browser settings or inform about their presence on the Internet site on the User’s device. Detailed information about the possibility and ways of cookie services can be found in software settings (Internet browser). Changes that did not take place in cookie settings mean that they will be placed on the User’s end device, thus we will store information on the User’s end device and have access to this information.
- Turning off cookies may cause difficulties using some services on our websites, especially those requiring logging in. However, turning off the cookies option does not result in the lack of possibility to read or browse contents on the website which is represented by this Blog except for those requiring login.
- Cookies can be placed on the User’s end device and later used by advertisers who cooperate with the Blog, research companies and multimedia app providers.
6. The level of protection against cookies is set in each browser:
The level of protection against cookies can be set in your Internet browser – up to a total block of cookies. It increases the level of security and data protection, but it can also disable some functions, such as logging in to your email account. How are settings changed in the most popular search engines?
Google Chrome
You need to click on the menu (top right corner) , Settings > Show advanced settings. In „Privacy” section click on Contents Settings. In „Cookies” you can change the following cookie settings: Deleting cookies, default blocking, allow cookies by default, storing cookies and website data before closing browser by default, determining exceptions for cookies from particular websites or domains.
Internet Explorer
Browser menu (top right corner): Tools > Internet options > Privacy, Websites. Swipe to set level. Click OK to confirm changes.
Mozilla Firefox
Menu: Tools > Options > Privacy. Activate Firefox Program: „will use User’s settings”. Click on Accept Cookies if you want to have them or not. Opera. Menu: Tools > Preferences > Advanced. Click on Cookies.
On the menu choose Preferences and click on Security. Choose your security level in „Accept cookies”.
1. Personal information
By User’s explicit consent expressed by clicking on the appropriate option during the first logging in to the system the Service Provider collects and integrates their personal information and later uses it to realize training services described in an agreement concluded between the Service provider and the User or their employer. The Service Provider uses this information solely for training services described in an agreement concluded between the Service provider and the User if the latter is at the same time a Client or user’s employer if there is an appropriate agreement about training services between them. The Service Provider also uses this information to communicate with the User via the Internet, email, traditional post or telephone solely by their explicit consent to such communication. The only exception from these Rules are email messages which inform the User about interruptions in the work of the system, notifications about system events (unless the User has turned off this option in the settings of their account) which contain password reminders, etc. Occasionally, the Service Provider outsources limited services on their behalf such as service and delivery of parcels, customer service, transaction processing and statistical analysis of the Service provider’s services. These companies receive only personal information (such as email address) needed for sharing a specified type of services. The suppliers of the Service Provider’s services shall not disclose users’ information and cannot use it for any other purposes.
2. Email messages
The Service Provider sends email messages to registered users with system notifications concerning particular events on user accounts. Each User can turn off such notifications in their account settings. A sent message may contain a „single pixel GIF” picture which allows to adjust the message format to the addressee’s computer parameters. Thanks to this technology a particular number of people may open messages sent by the Service provider. When the User initiates a response by clicking on the link in the email redirection to the proper website takes place. The response is registered and is later used to deliver materials adjusted to the user’s interests.
3. Disclosing information
The Service Provider keeps information about the User ID confidential. He/she does not dislcose it to third parties or entities who do not have to have access to it unless particular circumstances take place. Below you can find additional circumstances in which the Service Provider can disclose user’s personal data. Some employees, independent subcontractors and suppliers of services may have access to information which makes user identification possible solely when it is necessary for training services defined in the agreement between the Service Provider and the User or their employer. Such employees and subcontractors shall obey the rules of confidentiality and safety. Access to this information may be granted to branches, representative offices and external service providers in circumstances deemed justifiable by the Service Provider. The Service Provider may disclose information about user identification to another company in case of a planned merger or takeover or to any other organization involved in a merger or the Service Provider’s property or entity transfer or sale. Prior to disclosing information about user identification for other reasons, the Service Provider shall first seek their consent, e.g. by means of email, to confirm, by clicking, the possibility not to express consent by email or any other way. If the User shares any information whatsoever in public domain of the Service provider’s website, e.g. in chat rooms or notice boards, it will be available to public and can be used and published again by the Service Provider at their discretion and in accordance with the terms of use. This information can be disclosed for the purpose of protection of the Service provider’s rights and property including their websites. The service provider may also share information which makes user identification possible in response to investigative authorities , court decisions or other legal proceedings or when they deem such disclosure necessary for examination, avoidance or eradication of illegal activities; fraud, physical threats which can concern the user or other persons, threats to state security or any other reasons justified by applicable law or regulations. An organization which, as a result of the afore-mentioned conditions, will gain access to information about user identification will be obliged by the Service provider to obey the conditions regarding protection and service of information about user identification contained in these Regulations.
4. Disclosure Ban
Except for the afore-mentioned cases, the Service Provider shall not disclose information about user identification to other entities, including advertisers , without their consent. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall not share, sell, lease or disclose in any other way user’s personal data, email lists or postal address lists to any other entities for their promotional purposes.
Information collected on this website can be stored and processed in Poland and other countries in which the Service provider has or will have their branches, representative offices or agencies. The Service Provider shall do their best to guarantee user personal data protection. There are a lot of various technologies and protective procedures used to protect personal data against unauthorised access, use or disclosure. Personal data, for example, is stored in computer systems with limited access. Such systems are kept in specially protected rooms.